Just relax, she's on vacation... Mamas, who here has heard this one?
Maybe you've been told this, or heck maybe you've even told it to yourself... either way, it stings.
POV: you see your friends posting the most fun, cute photos and videos out on vacation... what you don't see are all of the meltdowns in between those photos; the toddler who's off her normal routine, who wants to explore but at every turn is a "no don't do that, don't go there, get back here, don't touch that, slow down, stop", who hasn't gotten a good solid nights sleep or nap in days, who's Mama is worrying because we haven't had our full serving of fruits and veggies and milk that we do back home, the Mama that's used to getting breaks at work or at least some gym time quick in the morning but can't because of the current sleeping arrangements that don't allow for a good sneak out...
if you're a Mama and you feel this, just know I see you... I'm you right now! And whether you've been told, or are telling yourself to just relax, she's on vacation... know that it's ok and that it's hard. If you're anything like me you'd love to be able to just relax because she's on vacation- but it's not that easy 😉
However, even though it's hard, it's worth it... it's worth it to see the joy in their eyes in between the melt downs, to watch them learn and explore and submerge themselves into different cultures and experiences, to get out of the daily routines and get to do something that others may never get to experience! Being able to give her these life long memories is worth it. We can try our best to stick to routines and get close knowing it won't be perfect. We can do our best to make sure they always feel safe and loved. 🥰 Mama, that's enough! You are enough! In fact, you are more!
So... if this is you, know you are seen, know you are doing an amazing job, know you are giving your family experiences they'll never forget that will help shape who they are, and know you may be stressed and that's ok - ask for help, and know it won't be like this forever- you'll get back to your routines, so be in the moment as much as you can and watch those little eyes be filled with so much joy!!
pic of this little girl who is her own vibe on vacation 🤣🥰

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