Sleep Schedules

Published on 21 January 2025 at 06:20

Let's talk sleep schedules! I know I've covered this before and it's been a while... if you're a parent you know how quickly things change in this world (even though if you're in the middle of a regression or transition it can seem like a deep dark hole-hang in there!!)


So we get this recap each week from our monitor which is pretty cool... it's kind of interesting to see all of her sleep stats and then if they notice anything they give you tips to help their sleep. This past week it was like hey she did so good we don't even have a tip for you lol!


I'm just reminded how lucky we are with this girl! (And why we're one and done... that's how they get ya! Baby #2 wouldn't be this easy and you know it lol)


ok great thanks Erin, why are you sharing this!? You don't have to rub it in more...


ah because I'm panicking on how our trip is going to go... we're going to be disrupting so many schedules, so many routines, so many familiar things that I'm so nervous for how our sleep will go! And I need YOU all to give ME the advice this time 😉 


When we took her at six months old it was a breeze, she slept wherever, and was the happiest (immobile) baby ever! Easy peasy! 

When we took her at 14 months it was a nightmare lol 😆 although that was more so because things weren't baby proof and she was learning and growing and all over the place, not necessarily sleep because she adjusted to the one hour time change really well and still napped pretty good as long as I had her back in the room in the pack n play.


I think I'm nervous this time around because we've transitioned to our toddler bed at home - will she sleep in a pack n play? Will the resort have one? How are nap times going to look with a larger group trip vs our little family? Is she going to be more alert and less likely to sleep? All these questions running through your mind... mamas you know what I'm talking about!!


I'm reminded though, Matthew 6:34 “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”
‭It will all work out, and it will be the best vacation ever!! She's at such a fun age I can't wait to watch her play in the pool and on the beach and socialize with all of her little friends!!


I mean if she can sleep this good sitting up in a bright room... she'll be fine 🤣

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