Moms - why do we always put ourselves last?
I've worked really hard since having B to make sure that I'm getting my self care in. I know it helps me be a better person, a better Mom, a better wife, a better everything when I take the time for me!
Now, remember, this looks different for everyone! For me... it's making sure I get some time to myself in the morning to move my body, think about my day, read my devotional or journal, praying to God, and fueling my body before getting the rest of the house up and ready to go! It's also monthly massages and nail appointments too. 😉 Don't know your thing? Take some time to think about it... it doesn't have to be big, it just needs to be consistent.
I used to think working out had to be this big hardcore workout for hours on end in order to "count". That mindset made it easy to skip... I don't have time today, I don't have the energy, I can't make that happen... but something in me flipped to realize it doesn't matter if it's hours or minutes as long as I move my body! As long as I set aside SOME time to make it a priority. I need to be disciplined to make those daily choices, and it gets easier, and that energy starts to come back, and others notice and cheer you on... it's a big cycle! So whatever it is that is your thing - think small and build upon those micro steps because those micro steps add up over time. When your brain tells you no, do it anyway...
Today is Saturday so I got to incorporate a fun toddler workout into my morning routine - you find creative ways to work it in, and have fun, and honestly influence those little eyes that are watching and learning and growing from you too!! Now I could have said that was enough... and as I put her down for a nap, I wanted to take a nap! But... I didn't get my devotional time in this morning, or an actual workout for myself... so I got my happy little behind up and got it done! And I feel SO much better about it!!
So just do it, start where you're at, with what you have, right now... no excuses! And if you need an accountability partner - find someone!! It's so much easier to skip if you don't have to report to someone... don't let that be you! Quit failing yourself... start being kind and giving yourself the time and attention you deserve Mama!!

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