Ah the joys of all the infant and toddler transitions...
We made the transition to a toddler bed from a crib a few months back... At two years old. Some considered this early, others late, and others right on time. That's the funny thing about toddlers - they make the rules 😉 She was ready and we followed her lead.
She did SO good! After one night we figured it was a fluke, but then there was another, and another, and another amazing night of sleeping through the night, not trying to get out of this bed that all of a sudden had so much freedom... ok ok I won't rub it in anymore, I can feel some of my friends eye rolling me right now 😉 we got lucky with this one for sure!!
Fast forward to the last couple of nights... we've been waking up talking in our sleep, or crying multiple times a night (thankfully never fully waking up and going right back to sleep, after waking us up of course 😊). I've read it could be all the learning happening so we'll roll with that! Miss Smarty Pants!
We've also started the stalling process... need a drink, need a snack, need blanky, need teddy, need pillow, need paci, need hug, need book, need toy, need hug, need kiss, need water... girlfriend you are going to bed!! We're usually a 7pm bedtime and it has gradually pushed to as late as 8... we're trying to get back to 730 to maybe compromise a bit but honestly going with her flow has worked so well for us. This has also had our early morning girl sleeping in a bit, which would be great on weekends not workdays 🥲 we're just kinda all over the place winging it! I'm also hoping this one is short lived, but I have this funny feeling it's just beginning 🥴
So to those in the thick of the toddler bedtime transition... I see you, I feel you, you're not alone!
Pic of the cutest little babe cuddling her "Mimi Mouse" not wanting to get up this morning ☀️

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