So I had to get my belly book out to refresh my memory on 2nd Trimester, so I wanted to do 1st Trimester again in a little different way...
My last blog had a lot of story telling about the first trimester, but not a lot of content on what to expect... so for those Mamas who haven't gone through it yet, here's a little more detail!
So we found out we were pregnant on March 27! Two faint pink lines confirmed it, even though the hubby needed extra proof. We got the ones that read "pregnant" and "not pregnant" the next day just to be sure. That also confirmed it! This would have put us around 4 weeks pregnant so we did find out right away... and our due date was calculated to be December 2. In shock and excitement we talked to some friends who had just had babies and asked who the heck do we call, what do we do?! I knew I needed to schedule an appointment, but was clueless on when or who or any of that jazz. We got so many recommendations for Dr Hintz and Marcia so later that week I called and set our first appointment for May 10! May 10?!?! That seems like SO far away, it's only March, how do we wait that long!? What do we do until then?! I was already on prenatal vitamins since we were trying to get pregnant so check that box and stop drinking alcohol and limit caffeine. Otherwise, just sit and wait!
First appointment went great, kept my due date of December 2nd but said I was measuring November 26 (big baby already!) We got to do an ultrasound and see Brooklyn for the first time - she was dancing her little heart out while her Dad and I held hands in awe of this little miracle we created!
I had extreme tiredness and all day every nausea, which was no fun! Brushing my teeth made me gag and finally around week 8 or so I started puking in the mornings and feeling better for the rest of the day. I was also craving ALL of the sweets! I couldn't stand to smell or even look at hummus. (Pretty sure it was because the week before I had just started a new workout and diet plan and ate SO much hummus.)
During that week we found out we were pregnant we had our friends wake, funeral and celebration of life. It was so hard to balance such high and low emotions, but we made it through. During week 5 I had our second largest work event (which includes eating and drinking) so I had to again find ways to hide not drinking and make it through an event while extremely exhausted! Week 6 my Aunt and Uncle were in town and we got to have brunch with them. Then during week 7 we traveled to Iowa City for Kyle's distinguished dinner event for work - again having to hide the no drinking... I remember getting called out by practically every single person at that event... it was brutal! By 8 weeks I was feeling so bloated, pants didn't fit right, I was so tired and had no appetite... but during that week we went to my best friend Gabby's 30th birthday party where I had to keep it a secret, and the Justin Bieber concert in Des Moines where we got to tell Brooklyn's new aunts and uncles about her! During week 9 we told my family with a brunch and iced them. During week 10 Mama got to celebrate her FIRST Mother's Day, I still can't believe you made me a Mom. We also had fun at the Boys & Girls Club event where I again had to hide the pregnancy! We had that first appointment about 10.5 weeks in. During week 11 we told the hubbys parents, and got to go to our friend Nikki's wedding shower! Finally week 12, the one everyone waits for and the end of the first trimester, was the very first bump pic I took! We had blood-work done for early genetic testing and gender. We wanted to wait for all of that to come back clear before we told anyone just to make sure you were healthy and growing and we had no issues!
So just like that, that's all first trimester was. A lot of sickness, a lot of tiredness, and a lot of waiting! I feel like that trimester took FOR-EVER (because I hadn't gotten to the third one yet, hah!). I'm also a very impatient person so that could be why. It was so much fun getting to tell those closest to us, though, and keeping our little miracle secret to ourselves. As much as I wanted to do and buy all the things, I think I did pretty good waiting and held off doing much during the first trimester.
Baby's First Bump Pic! (12 weeks, May 19, 2022)
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I told my doc about gagging while brushing and he had never heard of it! After 38 I feel validated!
What!? Omg every single time lol glad I could validate you 🫶🏽