The First Trimester

Published on 30 January 2023 at 21:39

This is going to be a series by request... let's see how much I can remember!! The first trimester... why on Earth is one of the biggest moments of your life one of the hardest to hide!?



We waited a long time to settle down. We had been dating 7 years when we got married, so we knew we wanted to try for a baby right away - I mean who are we kidding, neither of us were getting any younger! (Sorry folks she wasn't a Cozumel wedding baby unfortunately.) 

Fast forward to one of the saddest days we've experienced, March 27, 2022. We woke up that morning to a call no one ever wants to get, one of our close friends and neighbors, Dan, had passed away. Nobody could believe it. Several of us got together to drink and share memories that Sunday - and our friends daughter spilled some news she wasn't supposed to about her Mom being pregnant! Then I thought ummmm I'm 2 days late?! So that night we went to Walgreens and got a few tests... boom, pregnant. The hubby didn't believe me or the faint lines and requested I get the ones that actually say the words the next day. I did, and it confirmed pregnant. Not much celebrating was had... we were still in so much shock and sadness from the news of our friend passing that it seemed silly to be celebrating. 

Fast forward again. It's the end of winter so we typically don't do much which would be way easier to hide the fact I wasn't drinking, but there's get togethers, there's celebration of life and funerals and all the things, plus Kyle and my best friend Gabby's birthdays are end of April. We also lost another dear friend shortly after Dan had passed, so it was a rough one for our friend group - although it did mean lots of time spent together so we will forever cherish that.

I googled all kinds of tricks and learned some super good mock tails and how to be discreet when ordering at the bars! (Contact me for tips and tricks if you need it!) It kind of helped I had just started a diet and workout program the week before I found out and was blasting that all over social media which I didn't know at the time would be a life saver! I was so sick I couldn't keep up with the diet plan, but hey it was still a good excuse no one had to know about! It's so hard these days when so much social activity revolves around drinking and peer pressure. The times I got asked "are you pregnant?!" that I had to lie about was a lot! 

Ah the morning sickness... I also had the luxury of eating nothing but saltine crackers and lots of water along with popping "preggie pops" and ginger drops! After we announced several co workers were like I wondered, now it makes sense!!

The exhaustion was also real, holy cow. I thought I had been tired before, I'm talking falling asleep on the couch by 6pm and needing daily naps on my lunch breaks! I had no energy for anything!

With our age, and history of a previous miscarriage, we wanted to wait to announce until it was safe and in the clear - I swear that is the longest wait of your life! Those have to be the slowest weeks ever. You're exhausted, you're sick, you can't drink... but you have to act NORMAL?! It's really crazy when you think about it.

We did get to do the fun announcements to family before we did announce to everyone else. We showed up to brunch with my family and "iced" them with fun custom labels - everyone got it except my Mom, lol sorry Mom it did take you a hot minute after you got past how cute the labels were! We surprised his Mom with a candle with a special label on it, and his Dad with a scratch off ticket - he thought we were pranking him and that he was going to win a lot of money, but cried when he saw what it said! His siblings were a chain reaction - Kyle got drunk and told his brother and then told me he didn't tell him so when he came up and congratulated me I was so confused! We then told his sister the next day. We finally got to tell his other sister when we visited and I announced I could be the DD for the Biebs concert! It's fun getting to tell people in special ways that fit them! Our big announcement fit us perfectly, our new travel buddy who is working on her passport! 

The relief you feel when you can finally not have to hide it anymore is so freeing! You're starting to show by then, you're still sick, you still can't drink, you're still exhausted... but hey THIS is why! I remember finally telling friends like oh my gosh I am so sorry if you think I've been off or a huge B lately, but THIS is why! haha

So Mama, if you're in that first trimester, just hang on! That second trimester WILL come, I promise! And it's full of energy and happiness!




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