I did it y'all, I made it 5/5 this week with working out - celebrate with me!!
I know it might not seem like much to some, but I haven't been able to go 5/5 since I was 33 weeks pregnant back in mid October!! If you follow me on insta or snap you've seen my daily posts. So TODAY, I don't want to talk about the struggles, I want to CELEBRATE a HUGE accomplishment!!
I did an insta story yesterday about how convenient my workouts are since I'm able to do them from my home. We're blessed with an awesome gym downstairs with a Tonal, a Peloton, a rower, an elliptical, and free weights and bands and all the things so that also helps make it easy. However, the program I'm following with a group of girls (the accountability is honestly what brought me to this success this week, I couldn't have done it without them!) is all online and only requires some weights and bands which is nice. I made it a goal this week to start getting up in the mornings and working out right after I feed/change Brooklyn and lay her down for her last morning sleep, with the help of my husband of course. I had four weeks left until maternity leave is up and I go back to work, and we started a new 4 week program together as a group so it was perfect timing for me. Now that I've made it 5/5 I can celebrate, but I also know that 5/5 days I would have no way made it to work on time so that's my next goal over these next couple of weeks trying to transition!
I just want other Moms to know it's possible! If you set your mind to it, you can do it. I wake up tired, sure. I wake up not wanting to do it, sure. I could come up with excuses, sure. BUT when I go downstairs and get that workout in, I literally come back upstairs a NEW person. A better wife, a better Mom, just BETTER with energy to conquer the rest of my day.
So - here's to celebrating my little win with me this week and Happy Friday friends!!

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