Chatting with a friend today and sent a pic of my screaming, red faced, crying baby and she said "it makes me happy to see her crying I thought for sure my baby was the only one" - so here I am, keeping it real!
We are pretty lucky... Brooklyn is a pretty happy smily baby! As a Mom those are the fun, cute pictures... right?! When really behind the scenes are a million takes trying to get that perfect smile... the funny angles, the weird noises you make, and crazy faces - all to get that insta worthy photo! I have plenty of those on my socials... and my friends comment today made me realize oh my gosh, here I am "keeping it real" and I have none of the real photos out there...
You know the photos I'm talking about; the blurry ones, the side eye stank face ones, the ones with a finger over the lens, the ones of them falling over out of your perfect little prop, the ones screaming bloody murder... or the ones that don't exist at all because when that baby is fussy you sure as $h!t don't have your phone out taking photos... you're rocking and bouncing and doing anything you can to get that baby to stop crying! That's the real life right there...
So from one keeping it real Mom to the next... yes I have a million photos of my cute, sweet, smily baby... but she sure does have a set of lungs on her too! (We're entering our second leap today so she's extra fussy too... if you're a new Mama and don't have the wonder weeks app I highly recommend it. It'll keep you from pulling your hair out trying to figure out why your baby is fussy for no good reason!)
I may be biased, but man she's still so cute when cries!!
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