OK but for real... this post is going to be super raw and real, because clearly nobody wants to talk about how you still pee your pants as a Mom! Yes, it's humiliating. Yes, it's embarrassing. Yes, IT HAPPENS!! (At least for me, if you've figured it out let a new Mama know!!)
The first day in the hospital after having Brooklyn, I shyly looked at the nurse and said ummmm I haven't been making it to the bathroom is something wrong?! Nope, that's normal, it'll just take a while for your pelvic floor to repair. Make sure to do your kegels and that'll help. (Tries to do a kegel, literally can't feel a thing... well $h!t)
Fast forward to recovery... I had no idea I would be wearing adult diapers as long as I have. Nobody tells you this! Cough - you pee. Sneeze - you pee. Laugh - you pee. Get up in the middle of the night - you pee. Stand up off the couch - you pee. Stand up during a Peloton ride - you pee. I mean seriously this is no fun!
I had my six week check up and I'm fine at home, but honestly I still wear a diaper in public because you never know what's going to happen. (So if you hear an extra swish, or see a big diaper butt MIND YA BUSINESS!) This is STILL NORMAL, ugh! It just takes time, which if you know your girl I have zero patience. Keep doing your kegels, look up pelvic floor repair exercises. So, that's what I'm doing, meanwhile feeling completely out of control and embarrassed.
I will say my husband gets a kick out of this... Brooklyn had her first "shoot across the room" poop the other day and I was laughing so hard I peed my pants while I was changing her - he didn't know whether to keep gagging or laugh at me. It was quite the scene. Every time I sneeze now he just waits for the classic 'bend over and cross the legs' stance in hopes I don't pee! Y'all I never once in my life thought I would be a grown @$s adult peeing my damn pants, is this real life?!
Now, before you start coming at me with the comments... I am fine, I'm writing this out of humor so please don't take me too seriously! I have also found several pelvic floor repair exercises that I've added to my workouts to continue to build strength in that area, and of course kegels kegels kegels. (Ladies, if you're still pregnant, DO YOUR DAMN KEGELS!!) I'm just writing this as the 'Keeping It Real Mom' that I am so that others can feel normal and not ashamed, cuz this $h!t is REAL!!
Picture of the stance for humor... if you know, you know!

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