I know it doesn't feel like it, mostly because women always have such high expectations for themselves and carry so much weight for everyone and everything else... but for real, WE DA REAL MVP'S... so pat yourself on the back and do something for YOU today, because I guarantee you earned it so recognize the small things!!
I've said it before and I'll say it again (and those who know me, know this is 110% true), I am your Type A, Enneagram 1, OCD, list and schedule lover, and all the other things to describe structure. People would always tell me "be ready to throw that out the window when she's born" and I would laugh... yeah ok! You don't know me, I thought to myself. I will find a way to keep routine and make things a priority. I am literally laughing at myself now, because you were all RIGHT!! Throw it out the window because it is literally impossible. This has been SO hard for me (and no I don't need you to tell me it's fine, the to do list can wait, and to enjoy the snuggles while they last, and this and that... I understand that and I am doing that, it's just HARD for someone like me, that's all, and it's OK for me to feel that way).
Recently a friend shared a post with me about comparing how much a woman can get done while waiting for the microwave to warm something up vs. a man who will just sit there and wait for it. (Now this isn't a bash against men or husbands, because I know mine helps tremendously and I'll go into that later, but please don't at me you know it's true!) I couldn't relate more... I did this before having a baby, and it's even stronger in my veins now. Women GET SHIT DONE! The level of multi-tasking is real... I can have bottles washed, dishwasher loaded and unloaded, meals prepped, baby changed, shower, teeth brushed, laundry folded, house organized, and who knows what else done in a matter of minutes! Probably in that order too, because hello Mom brain! It's a real thing and I'm not ok with it. You walk into the kitchen for a snack, realize bottles need to be done, while you're putting those on the drying rack you see the mail that needed opening, while you open that you remember that other thing you wanted to do, and then oh the laundry buzzer went off... I mean it's nonstop! Again, no offense here men, but you give that same list to them and it'll be a week later and half of it isn't done yet... lol, ok that might be an exaggeration but still! Women we HAVE to be able to do that, we have small windows when the baby is sleeping, when the Dads are watching them, when we get those free moments, it's just how we're wired.
OK OK so what's your point? My point here is, don't be so hard on yourselves ladies. Celebrate the small things because they're probably big things we're just not giving ourselves credit for. Men if you're reading this, give your wife more credit - acknowledge the things she's doing because I guarantee you don't even see half of it. (You know, the laundry fairy that just magically comes in the middle of the night, how the house stays so organized, how there's always a clean bottle ready to go, how you're always reminded of things on the schedules... that all happens because your wife is on 24/7.) We don't get a break even when we do get a break. Our minds don't shut off just because we're relieved of our duties for a few hours. That is why we're tired, that is why we've got anxiety, that is why we don't want to go do the extra thing that sounds so fun but so exhausting. I know I'm not the only one that can relate to this!
It's no wonder time seems to fly these days. How quickly an hour or two hours or an entire day just gets away from you. So yes, enjoy those snuggles because the to do list can wait. My husband saw me struggling with this and came up with an idea we're just trying out so I'll keep you posted on how it goes. I've got a to do list every single day. I write the things I want to get done and can check them off. It helps to see the whole list so I can prioritize. The things that don't get done I can move to the next day and remind myself that's ok. I can also see things that maybe I can delegate to him. (Ladies, let's be honest, we're not the best at communicating what we need help with. We'd rather just bitch that they didn't do it because they should just know and read our minds right?!)
So remember Mamas, WE DA REAL MVPs, don't ever forget it!!

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