
Published on 5 January 2023 at 20:22

OK Moms let's talk breastfeeding...



Let me start by saying I am NOT here to judge anyone, and I hope you're not either. Motherhood is SUCH a hard stage of life, nobody needs added pressure. So throw away breast is best and stick with FED is best. Sometimes it's not up to the Mama on what she's capable of, and that can be even harder! There are so many reasons breastfeeding does and doesn't work for each individual Mama and baby, just like every other post I've made... every baby is DIFFERENT! Let's just support each other in whatever way keeps our babies fed and happy and healthy. 


Like my non-birth plan birth plan, I went into breastfeeding with the same mind set. I knew that the nutrients and immunity benefits with breast milk, especially during this scary RSV season and formula shortage, were super beneficial. I knew I wanted to try to breast feed, but that there was the possibility that my body or the baby wouldn't handle it. I think that mindset helped me tremendously. 


When Brooklyn was born, my chunky monkey 9.5 pounder knew exactly what she was doing and latched right away! Thank you baby girl, because your Mama had no clue what she was doing. It seriously came so natural to me, which I will be forever grateful for and realize not every Mama is that lucky. Now, along with it coming so natural to me also came the extreme nipple pain and confusion about how often to feed and was I giving her enough. I remember crying to the night nurse about how much pain I was in because I had never done this before and baby girl sucked me raw! (The Lansinoh organic nipple balm is where it's at y'all, the nipple creams were all too hard for me to get on comfortably and didn't seem to work.) I wasn't a fan of the nipple shield, but we tried it out a few times. I remember leaving and being like what on Earth am I doing?! They sent me home with all the literature, encouragement on how it would get better, and information on a breastfeeding support group. I took it all with a grain of salt in my delirious lack of sleep state and walked out the door. 


Fast forward to honestly I can't remember when?! We started supplementing and adding formula. (It's fine, I heard you in the back gasping. Don't forget, I'm still giving breast milk and my baby is fed and happy...) I had so much anxiety around am I doing it right? Is she getting enough? It seemed like she was constantly on the boob and never satisfied. (Turns out that's just normal, so if you're in for the journey be prepared!) This was so helpful as I felt like she was more satisfied, Dad could help with feedings and bonding, and my mental health was in a better space. They were never worried about her weight gain and she was growing perfectly fine! But now, when do I pump? Now that I wasn't exclusively breast feeding I was so confused again about schedules and breast milk, formula feeding, boob feeding. I ended up with a clogged duct two different times, holy painful! I mean you guys there is SO much information out there. Honestly, if you want an answer you can google it, that's how much conflicting information there is out there. 


Fast forward to me googling all the things, crying to my husband wondering what's the right thing to do, being even more confused and wanting the best for my baby... I first messaged my favorite nurse from the hospital and she had me call the hospital lactation consultant and reminded me of the support group information they sent me home with. So along I went, and I'm here to say... GO TO THE SUPPORT GROUP!! I cannot tell you how much this helped me. Each week Brooklyn and I go, get our questions answered (so many questions, SO SO many questions), get her weighed, make sure she's still feeding good, and walk away with more confidence and having met other Mamas in the same boat we are. I definitely don't have it all figured out (which is why I continue to go weekly), but I promise each day gets better! My husband notices a confidence shift when we get home every week and encourages us to go (especially on days like today when I almost forgot).






So since we're "keeping it real" help a Mama out!! I will gladly take any words of encouragement as I try to navigate the continuation of breastfeeding during her growth spurt/witching hour, knowing how much formula to supplement, and figuring out a pumping schedule to get my supply up and start getting ready for daycare and pumping at work... ahhhhhh!!


OH and one more thing before I end this post... can we normalize breast feeding please?! Can we make it more easily accessible for women?? One of my biggest anxieties is figuring out when I can take her places because "has she eaten" "when will she be hungry" "Can I feed her where we're going, is there a separate room, will I have to be in public (because while some Mamas are ok just whipping it out, I am not), will there be a comfortable space or will it be a wrestling matching trying to get it figured out" I mean, it's 2023 right?! Let's figure this one out friends...


Super vulnerable pic below that I debated even posting, and then had to ask myself why because you literally can't see anything except a perfectly happy baby getting fed and holding Mamas hand.

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