Mama is sick.
Words I'm sure no Dad wants to hear 😉 Let's be real, Mom's typically don't get sick days... we push through because we have to! Well this latest sickness is brutal and has me in bed and down for the count... so there's no pushing through and thankfully Dad is stepping up big time so I can be away from them both so that I can get better and so that they don't get it 🤞🏽
I am really hoping I can pull through quickly, we're on day 2 so far. From those who have had it this go round I've heard it lasts quite a while unfortunately 😢 I think the hardest thing has been to not be able to give B hugs and kisses every day. You don't think about the simplest things like making sure your kiddo feels loved and safe with hugs and kisses. So simple, yet something I haven't been able to do for two days.
I think that's the biggest takeaway today is to just embrace the simplest things and the moments because it's so hard when you can't.

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