You guys, I had no idea this was a thing?!
So I'm driving to pick up B from daycare... and this crazy driver speeds past me (that used to be me a few years back lol) and all of a sudden I start thinking... what if I get in an accident on my way to pick her up?! Who would go to get her?! If Kyle had to go to the hospital with me who else could even pick her up?! What if there wasn't a car seat to get her home in?! What if I spent days in the hospital who would care for her?! What if daycare doesn't even know I got in an accident and just thinks I didn't pick her up?!
What in the what was that?!? Me being me, I send a snap to some of my Mama friends like what is this, new Mom brain things or what?! Turns out IT'S A REAL THING and it's called intrusive thoughts... who knew? Not me because NOBODY TALKS ABOUT IT!!
Anyway, it's a quick blog tonight because this Mama is tired and going to bed... but wanted to share that fun piece of info before I forgot!!
Pic of me cuddling my sweet babe after daycare because I just love her so <3
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