What to Pack in the Hospital Bag

Published on 11 January 2023 at 19:26

By special request, what the heck do you pack in the hospital bag and what do you pass on...



I remember looking up Pinterest posts, Facebook groups, and asking anyone I could... what the heck do you pack in the hospital bag?! Again, I'm a planner and I needed a checklist! I even messaged the nurses I knew in labor and delivery for their opinions, I didn't want to mess this one up! So I'm here to share, from my perspective, what you need and what you don't and what I wish I would and wouldn't have done...


Let me start by saying I absolutely over and under packed despite my best efforts. 


First Up: MOM!!

I brought my own pillow and blanket - this is a must to help you feel more comfortable. This was on the list from one of the nurses that I hadn't thought of and I questioned do I really need to lug this there and back? Yes, the answer is YES! Another thing the nurses suggested was your own toiletries - shampoo, conditioner, body wash. I also highly suggest this as it will make your first shower postpartum help you feel like yourself. I even brought my own sitz bath salts as I mentioned in a previous blog, again highly recommend. Clothes for Mom... some people do a fancy delivery gown - I wore the hospital gown and was perfectly ok with it! I did bring my own comfy socks (with grips) as well as comfy jammies. You will also want nursing bras! I ended up bringing 2 different maternity/nursing gowns and ended up in the comfy jammies the whole time anyway. (Stars Above brand at Target is one of my absolute favorite go to's.) I also ended up packing the diapers I got and didn't even get into them because I used the hospital supplies. I also talked about that in a previous blog post, but take everything with you and use up what they give you. I ended up liking the peri bottle better from the hospital than the two I got! OH! Don't forget the water bottle... if you're picky like me I love a good water bottle and it was so nice to have my own. AND chapstick, those lips get so dry! I did ask if I should bring my breast pump - I got told no because you won't need to pump, however I wish I would have just so I could have had the lactation consultant show me how to use it. I also got told not to bring the boppy pillow, and I could go either way on that - I didn't bring mine and they had plenty of pillows that they used to help prop for nursing so you really don't need it, but it could have been nice too. Just one extra thing you don't really need. Now this next one wasn't really Mom, but Mom packed it... I bought Kyle a special book called "You Made Me a Dad" and it talks about the day he became a Dad, with a special note in it from me that I gave to him the day she was born (he may or may not have cried, shhh). Almost forgot, also brought the stroller fan - didn't use it once! Essential oils and diffuser - highly recommend!

Next Up: BABY!!

I wanted to pack all the baby things, because hello I've been waiting 9 months and got all the things! Don't do it, just don't. They provide diapers, wipes, pacifiers, blankets, I mean everything that you'll need! I had an entire diaper bag packed - completely unnecessary! I also packed a little "baby briefcase" that I got for all of her hospital paperwork - it was helpful-ish, but definitely not necessary! I also brought her baby book like I was actually going to work on it - you won't work on it I promise. (I did keep track of my delivery/birth story details and her birth stats on the notes app on my phone.) I did bring her announcement outfit, blanket, and decorative wooden plaque with a sharpie to fill it out - so if that is something you want to do definitely pack those things. The car seat, obviously. And a going home outfit - make sure it's an outfit that has feet for the carseat, not the kind you tie at the bottom. They also provide everything for her first bath. Moral of the story here, you don't need a thing, they will provide it!

Finally: DAD!!

I made Dad pack his own bag, I had enough to worry about. Pillow and blanket for sure - and if you ask my husband he would say a blow up bed! A change of clothes, maybe two. iPad, Phone chargers with long cords, and toiletries for him too. You can also have him pack some snacks - our hospital food was AWFUL and we ended up doing door dash. Oh and insurance cards for check-in!


Another request was what products were useful for postpartum at home? 

I said this in another blog as well, but take everything the hospital provides you!! You're paying for it, take it!! My favorite thing was the ice diapers - make sure to ask for a demonstration on how to make those for when you get home. The hospital disposable underwear and pads were great. They also provided the peri water bottle and tucks pads. So what else did I get? I ordered adult diapers which honestly are so helpful the first couple of weeks, and then the long heavy pads for when you're past those. The frida mom perineal healing foam is an absolute must - I didn't order it right away and honestly think that had a huge part in my healing and wish I would have started it sooner. I also order the frida mon perineal cooling pad liners to keep lined over your pads which I do recommend. Medicated witch hazel/hemorrhoidal wipes for those postpartum poops if you end up with hemorrhoids. I also got an actual sitz bath (y'all, my brother asked me why I had a cowboy hat lookin' thing in my bathroom when they were over during the holidays... I could not stop laughing!). This was helpful, but I didn't use it as much as I thought I would... it's convenient for times you just want to get a quick soak in without doing an entire bath - because I cannot stress this enough you NEED to soak 3-5 times a day if you can - it WILL help your healing process. You can use the actual postpartum sitz bath salts, but honestly I ended up using my normal bath salts and bubble bath from Target - less expensive and just felt more relaxing. One thing I never did do that I regret is pre making those padcicles you see all over TikTok and Pinterest... just do it, even if it's like 5-10 of them!


ok ok so you listened to me blab - if you're like me, you're like ok just give me the actual checklist!! So here you go:



Pillow and Blanket

Toiletries / Hair Brush / Hair Ties / Bubble Bath

2-3 Pairs non slip socks

2 comfy jammies

2 nursing bras

water bottle


diffuser and essential oils

phone charger

breast pump

Dad gift optional


announcement outfit, blanket, props

sharpie if needed

going home outfit (with legs)

pacifier optional



pillow and blanket

1-2 change of clothes



phone charger

insurance cards


I'm sure I'm forgetting something as this was an entire month ago... but this should be a pretty good list!


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