You get so caught up in the day to day, the hour by hour, the week by week... don't forget to take time for you!
It has been one thing after another in our already crazy hectic lives lately. Life with a 1.5 year old isn't for the faint of heart, but it's also one of the most joyous things on Earth! One thing that I've been trying to make sure to do in order to be the best version of myself despite what's all going on is my morning routine and outdoor walks. I can be disciplined and get up early and do it, I have control over that, I have the choice every day to do it or not knowing I need that time for me; the quiet, the fresh air, the body movement.
Like I said, it's been one thing after another. It's a crazy time at work with some extra hours here and there and just a lot going on. We've had a lot come up with our Air B&B Properties lately, which I help to manage. Kyle's been busier at work lately. The piles of laundry and dishes and projects just keep growing into bigger and bigger piles no matter how often we do them. We've seemed to have a ton of things socially going on as well. So what's a working Mom supposed to do? From the time you wake up, to the time you get to bed you are constantly needed, constantly busy, and it never all gets done, like ever!
Well, the stars finally aligned and I had some time today to be flexible and do what I want. Since I've missed the last couple of weeks of golf, and haven't been able to get out on the weekends or week nights lately I thought great - a beautiful sunny day, I'm getting some golf in! Come to find out Sunnyside is busy, Beaver is busy, Fox Ridge is busy... like great, I can finally do something for myself and the universe is saying hah good luck with that one working Mama, not today!! So frustrating right?! Well, my friend Melissia and I got out to Irv and it was beautiful and amazing, literally just a beautiful day!! (Thanks girl, it was fabulous and much needed!!)
Great - so what's the problem here? Ladies, Moms, Wives, why do we do this to ourselves? I found myself hours before finally getting out telling my husband; ugh I shouldn't go. I'm exhausted, my body needs to sleep. Ugh I shouldn't go, there's so much laundry to be done and dishes piled up, and toys everywhere, and projects to work on at home. I need to clean out the fridge and get groceries because we've been too busy to even cook or do anything like that. I felt selfish, I felt guilty, I felt like I was falling short, and I felt like I was being rude for taking time for myself to do something I've been wanting to do for weeks and haven't been able to because I have too many other things on my plate. Luckily - he reminded me that I need time for me too. Forget all the stuff for a while, and get out and enjoy the sunshine! The stars have actually aligned in your favor. Everything else can wait. Now... if I would have really been smart I would have shut off notifications, but let's be real you can only let go so much if you're an Enneagram 1 like me ;)
So let's transition to the last few weeks. I had a break down in my counselors office because the weight of everything was finally just so heavy I couldn't hold it in any more. (I said this was the Keeping It Real Mom blog right?! Vulnerability is key for being real.) We carry so much as women, as Moms, as Wives, as coworkers, as leaders. I said, "but I go for my morning walks and make sure to get fresh air and body movements. I self reflect, I journal, I don't drink." He just laughed and said, yeah I'm sure you do. That's what's keeping you going. You are going through the motions, and sometimes we carry too much to the point that the self care we're doing is just enough to get us by. The notifications build up, the obligations grow, the tasks are never ending, and you feel like you're drowning. SO... when the stars align, don't feel guilty. Take the time for you! You do so much for everyone else, you deserve to do something for you. I promise the piles of laundry, dishes, toys, and to do lists will still be there when you're done and stressing about it won't do you any good. You'll get to it, eventually, and it will be ok :)
Photo of the cutest baby girl in the whole wide World <3 I love your smile, never stop shining!!
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