Do you ever think to yourself "they're really speaking to me" or feel a sense of repetition in the themes you're seeing or hearing?
For me - I'm in the middle of it! I've continuously showed up at the right places at the right times and heard the same messages over and over lately from multiple sources; people, books, posts, you name it! Since the new year it's very clear to me that I'm meant for more... that I'm more than just a wife, or just a Mom, or just a coworker, or just a friend, or just just just just! So often we get trapped into recognizing ourselves as what we do... not who we truly are, or who and how we're impacting those around us.
It all started at the Amy Wienands' You Are More conference - I cannot begin to tell you the unexpected impact that day had on the trajectory of what my life and 2024 would look like. As a newer Wife, a new Mom, and getting a new job title - I was kind of overwhelmed and stuck in the day to day check the boxes routine. This conference was just what I needed to realize I was more than those things and I needed to find myself again.
Since then I've continued to see messages about all of the major themes we talk about; taking care of yourself mentally and physically, knowing who you are in God, having grace, surrounding yourself with a positive tribe, showing up with positivity and good energy, being humble and kind, and all of these are choices! They're choices that you have the power to make each day. (And no I don't pretend it's easy, because it's not! But - choose your hard.)
I've been tested with boundaries - both personally and professionally. I've been tested with patience. I've been tested with grace. I've been tested with exhaustion. I've been tested with negativity. But I've chosen to try to be more - to be self aware - to work on myself just a little bit every day.
So the big question - who am I? Not hi I'm Erin I'm married with a new baby! Not hi I'm Erin I'm the marketing person at Waterloo Fiber! It's hi I'm Erin and I have a passion for connecting people and things and I'd love to hear what lights you up and brings you joy!
My personal mission is connecting and motivating people by being real, helping them feel seen and heard, and bringing them refreshed energy and happiness. I do this through the day to day disciplines using my unique creativity and organization to bring visions to life.
Now the true test - if you're a friend, family member, or even acquaintance - is that what you think of when you think of me?! I'd love to know... please comment on my social post!! (Notice I said being real... that means being authentic too... and vulnerable... I'm just here 'keeping it real' Mom 😉 see what I did there).
Now fast forward to this Iowa Communications Alliance conference I was just at - the theme was all about connection. Again - right place right time. The motivational speakers really spoke to me... I have been in a funk since my last trip (read a previous blog to see why I didn't call it a vacation!) and haven't been able to shake it despite my solid efforts and choices. This was such a renewed sense of being intentional, making those connections by being present and curious, looking at things from other people's perspective and truly listening to listen. Yes, I also learned a LOT about the new industry I'm in but that's for a different blog at a different time hah!
So - if you're like me and you feel like someone's messages are speaking to you, that you seem to be around the same themes... I challenge you to be aware, to be present and lean in on those messages because your true self deserves to be curious and learn more. I know I sure did!
Pic of one of my tribe - this girl is a one in a million - she'll shoot it to me straight when I need to hear it most, and be there for me even when I don't know I need someone to be there. These are your people - hold on to them, value them, give each other courage and accountability - because you deserve it.
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