Month 5 - what am I doing?!

Published on 12 May 2023 at 17:59

So I've been doing this Mom thing for a little more than 5 months now... holy cow does time fly?! Just when you think you've got one thing figured out, up comes the next thing... so help a Mama out cuz I'm lost with this one!


So we're about that stage now where we know a pretty good schedule... we wake around the same time every day, daycare does amazing with her nap and feeding schedule, and after daycare is the same routine - I mean this is a DREAM!! (No it's not always exactly on time, but I'd definitely say we're blessed in this area.)


So then what's wrong, what are you lost with?? UMMM how do you still live life?!


I swear you hear so many different things it's so hard to keep up... you have to keep them on schedule or else, oh my kid will do what I want to do, this kid can sleep anywhere and will eat wherever we don't care, skip a nap or feeding are you kidding me absolutely not! Soooooo where's the one where you do both? lol I wanna be all the Moms and do all the things...


I'm perfectly content following a schedule, relaxing during nap time, playing outside, etc - but I'm a homebody! My hubby on the other hand is one of the most 'social butterfly' people I know and it's killing him... "it's Friday, are we going out, what are we doing"... it's not even 6 and I think he's asked me at least 8 times what we're doing tonight... "umm I haven't even thought about dinner, I'm walking her, playing outside, putting her down for a nap, waiting for her to eat, then it'll be a touch of play time followed by bath and bed... what do you mean what are we doing?" lol that's just how my Mom brain works, but then you start to feel guilty - should you be going to dinner somewhere and bringing her - she can eat there, she can fall asleep there, bath can wait until tomorrow (but then what if tomorrow gets busy...) or are we just in that stage at 5 months where we need to focus on being home and being a family! 


Yes I know there's no right answer, but man this one has me in my feels! I'd love to hear what all you Mamas did or are doing in this 5 month stage <3 


Pic of my sweet B loving the outdoors like her Mama


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