OK but did anyone else feel like you became a Mom in .2 seconds or were you actually prepared?
Picture this: you’re finally ready and decided to try for a baby. Then you see the positive test with double lines and end up doing a few more with the words 'pregnant' or 'not pregnant' on them just to be sure (and because your husband doesn’t believe it). Then you spend nine months excitedly prepping and getting ready for this baby. You finally go into labor and think you are so ready for that baby, and then it happens… they place that baby on you after hours of labor and BOOM in literally .2 seconds it's "Congratulations, you’re a Mom!" Dad looks over at you with pure love and amazement at what just happened, and you both look at each other like “wow, how did we just become parents?!”. (Yeah Yeah, we all know about the birds and the bees, that's not what I'm talking about here!) You pack up as you’re booted out of the hospital like “wait, what? You’re letting us leave with this human?! How do we take care of her, you’re trusting us, where’s the manual?! Does she come with a checklist? When do the night nurses show up?" So many questions!!!! (Planners, Type A's, and enneagram 1's I know you know what I mean here.)
When I reflect back on becoming a Mom it literally seems like it all went so fast, even though I felt like I was pregnant forever! Nobody prepares you for that. Nobody prepares you for that moment of becoming a Mom that you've waited so long for that seems so incredibly full of all of the emotions; happiness, fear, love, and of course all of the questions. When I shared those feelings with my other Mom friends they all agreed, so let me know - was this your experience too or were you just Super Mom from the beginning? Heck, my husband and I still look at each other from time to time a month in and ask how did we become parents? Now, let me be real, it's always followed by "How did we get so lucky" and "She's so beautiful and perfect", but HOW?!
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